Good oral care plays a vital role in protecting your teeth and gums from damage or decay. However, merely brushing and flossing are not enough. You also need regular dental cleaning to keep the accumulation of plaque, tartar, germs, and bacteria at bay. When your mouth houses these elements, they pave the way for many problems; tooth decay and gum disease are the most severe of all.Â
When your gum disease worsens, it starts affecting your overall health. If you experience symptoms like pain, bleeding, swollen gums, dark gums, or bad breath, visit us for consultation. We will perform your dental examination and carry out a dental cleaning.Â
We will perform a physical examination to check the severity of the buildup of calculus on your teeth and gum line. We will also check for other signs of inflamed gums.Â
The buildup of plaque, tartar, and other substances will be removed with the help of a scaler. We will perform this process between your teeth and gumline. This procedure ensures that no unwanted substance remains in your mouth.Â
After cleaning your teeth and removing calculus, we will brush your teeth with a high-powered electric brush. The process may make a grinding noise, but it is a necessary step in performing a deep cleaning of your teeth. The application of gritty toothpaste also removes the leftover plaque and tartar from your mouth.Â
An expert flossing session is performed by reaching deep between your teeth and locating the potential trouble spots. Professional flossing has many advantages over regular flossing.Â
After rinsing your mouth, we may perform a fluoride treatment on your teeth. It is used as a protectant for your teeth to fight against cavities. A fluoride gel will be applied, left for some time, and rinsed off. Visit us twice a year for deep cleaning of your teeth to maintain good oral hygiene.Â
To find out more about the dental services offered at Gorham & Ammarell Dentistry, call (615) 327-4914 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 124 30th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37203.